



  1考生报名时必须填写个人真实信息,对于使用虚假他人信息者 ,考试主办方有权取消该考生的考试成绩,五年内禁止参加托业考试;
  Candidates must provide valid personal information in test registration. The test organizer reserves the right to cancel the candidate’s score and prohibit the candidate for taking TOEIC test in five years if information provided is found invalid;
  Candidates must arrive on time as requested. Candidates who arrive late after the test has started are not allowed to enter;
  3、考生入场须出示准考证及有效身份证件。中国大陆考生须使用二代身份证、护照或军官证;港澳地区考生须使 用港澳居民身份证或护照;台湾地区考生须使用台湾居民来往大陆通行证;外籍考生须使用护照。托业考试有效证件限于上述证件原件,且须在有效期内并附有可识别的照片。考生入场所持证件的类型必须与注册时保持致。考生未携带准考证、有效身份证件或证件照与本人面貌不符,均不能入场考试;持假证件参加考试、雇佣他人为自己代考或为他人代考的考生,一经发现取消考试成绩,五年内禁止参加托业考试;
  When entering, candidate will be asked to provide the admission ticket, and the valid ID . Chinese mainland candidate must bring the second-generation National ID, Passport or Military ID; Hong Kong and Macao candidate must bring the Hong Kong and Macao Resident Identity Card or Passport; Taiwan candidate must bring the Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents; Foreigner must bring Passport. The valid ID listed above accepted by TOEIC Test must be original and be current (Not expired) with a recognizable photograph. When entering, candidate's ID type must be consistent with the ID provided during registration. Candidate who fails to provide the admission ticket, valid identification or a matched photo will not be admitted. Candidate with fake identification and impersonated candidate will be prohibited to participate in any TOEIC Test in 5 years;
  All cell phones (including alarm clock), PDAs, smartwatches and other electronic devices must be turned off before entering the test room. After entering the test room, allelectronic devices and other restricted items should be placed in the personal belongings area. If it is found that any candidate brings the electronic devices, or does not turn off any electronic devices (including the ringing or vibration caused by the alarm clock) during the test, his/her test score will be cancelled.The test taker who disturb the testing order, or do not cooperate with the testing processing, or cheat with electronic equipment will also be banned from taking the TOEIC test for five years;
  5、考生进入考场后将身份证件放置在桌面上方,以便检查。除证件、铅笔、橡皮外 ,所有其它个人物品,应放置在考场内指定的位置;
  After entering the test room, candidates must place the identification on the desk for inspection. Except Identification, pencils and erasers, all other personal belongings should be placed in the designated area in the test room;
  Candidates shall wear proper clothes for the weather, in case the temperature in the test room could not be adjusted during the test. Do not bring valuables into the test room. The test organizer is not responsible for personal belongings lost during the test;
  Do not engage in unnecessary conflict with other candidates. The test organizer is not responsible for any problems happen between candidates;
  Candidates are not allowed to leave the seat until the administrator instructs to do so. Those who are not able to continue the exam due to special reason will be asked to wait in the administration office and allowed to leave after the test is finished;
  9、考试过程中可能出现任何意外情况,考场监考人员都将按照托业考试考场管理规则提供现场解决方案,如果考生对解决方案有异议,需要在方案实施之前提出;否则,将被视为接受解决方案并承担该解决方案所带来的结果;考生接受现场解决方案后,对该情况及现场解决方案的投诉无效。 由于无法预料的情况,考试可能会被取消或推迟。对于因取消或推迟考试而给考生带来的任何不便、成本(考试费除外)和其他个人损失,托业考试主办方不承担任何责任;
  The administrator will provide on-site solution according to the TOEIC Test administration regulations if any accident occurs during the exam. Objections must be raised before the solution is implemented, or else, candidates shall be deemed to have accepted the solution and take the consequences related; Complaints regarding the accident and solution are not accepted if candidates have accepted the on-site solution. The test could be canceled or delayed due to unexpected conditions. The test organizer is not responsible for any loss (except the examination fee) or inconvenience caused by the cancellation or delay of the test;
  10、有下列行为的考生,按照托业考试管理规定,将被取消考试资格、 取消考试成绩并不退还考试费:
  According to the TOEIC Test administration regulation, candidates involved in any of the followings will be disqualified, whose score will be cancelled, and whose test fee will not be refunded:
  10.1 迟到的考生;
  Candidates who arrive late after the1 test has started;
  10.2 在入场过程中或考试过程中,被发现证件或照片不符合托业考试要求的考生;
  Candidates whose identification or photos are found unqualified when entering the test room or during the test;
  10.3 除证件、铅笔橡皮以外,拒不将其他个人物品放置到考生个人物品存放处的考生;
  Candidates who refuse to place personal items (except identification card, pencils and erasers) in the designated area;
  10.4 无论是否对考试造成影响,在考试过程中被发现使用手机等电子设备或手机等电子设备没有彻底关闭的考生;
  Candidates caught using cell phones or other electronic devices or whose devices are not turned off completely during the test, disregarding the influence;
  10.5 考试开始前翻阅试题或作答、考试结束后继续作答,或在考试过程中不按要求作答的考生;
  Candidates who read or write on the test paper before the test begin, keep writing after the test ended, or do not follow the test rules;
  10.6 在考试过程中,在试卷上做标记的考生,跨部分作答的考生,有任何作弊行为的考生;
  During the test, candidates who have the behavior of marking on the test books, working on a section other than the current section, or using any cheating methods;
  10.7 抄袭他人或书籍资料等,或为他人抄袭提供方便的考生;
  Candidates who copy from others or any book, or help others cheating;
  10.8 在考试过程中,有夹带、传递纸条等物品及有任何作弊行为的考生;
  Candidates who smuggle, pass notes and other items or have any other cheating behavior;
  10.9 在考场内交谈、喧哗或制造明显噪音,干扰其他考生考试,经监考人员一次警告后,继续干扰行为的考生;
  Candidates who fail to stop talking, clattering, making noises or any other disturbances after a one-time warning by administrator;
  10.10 在考试结束前,擅自离开考场的考生;
  Candidates who leave the test room without permission before the test ends;
  10.11 使用任何威胁语言或行为攻击考试监考人员,经监考人员一次警告后,继续攻击言行的考生; 扰乱考试秩序,语言威胁或行为攻击考务工作人员或其他考生的考生;



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上一篇:托业英语口语与写作考试报考及考试流程介绍 下一篇:没有了

